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41 elevore herbicide label

New Burndown Herbicide: Elevore | NC State Extension Elevore is a new Group 4, synthetic auxin (same group as 2,4-D and dicamba) herbicide labeled for preplant burndown control of broadleaf weeds prior to planting many crops including corn, cotton, sorghum, and soybean. Elevore must be applied at least 14 days before planting corn, sorghum, or soybean and at least 30 days before planting cotton. Prowl® H2O Herbicide - BASF Thorough, persistent and ravenous — the power of Prowl H2O herbicide is yours to unleash. A water-based formulation of pendimethalin, Prowl H2O is ideally suited for growers looking for long-lasting, dependable, broad-spectrum residual weed control. The innovative, water-based formulation maximizes herbicide availability for residual weed ...

FINESSE® CEREAL AND FALLOW HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Labels Crops Registered States Product Overview Finesse cereal and fallow herbicide is a dry-flowable granule that delivers excellent winter annual grass suppression in wheat, durum wheat, barley, triticale and fallow.

Elevore herbicide label

Elevore herbicide label

Elevore | Corteva Agriscience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Tank Mixes of Elevore plus LeadOff or Canopy EX or Afforia Herbicides for Preplant Burndown Weed Control (TX) Tank Mixes of Elevore Plus 2,4-D for Control of Cutleaf Eveningprimrose (TX) The material and content contained in the Agworld DBX Label Database is for general use information only. PDF Safety Data Sheet Engenia Herbicide Engenia Herbicide Revision date : 2020/12/22 Page: 1/12 Version: 7.0 (30671382/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. Identification Product identifier used on the label Engenia Herbicide Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: crop protection product, herbicide Elevore® Soybean Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience™ Elevore ® herbicide, powered by Arylex ™ active, elevates a farmer's burndown program by providing thorough control of labeled broadleaf weeds without regrowth. Elevore is tank-mix-compatible with commonly used burndown and residual partners to control many ALS- and glyphosate-resistant species, plus marestail up to 8 inches tall.

Elevore herbicide label. North Carolina: New Burndown Herbicide - Elevore Elevore is a new Group 4, synthetic auxin (same group as 2,4-D and dicamba) herbicide labeled for preplant burndown control of broadleaf weeds prior to planting many crops including corn, cotton, sorghum, and soybean. Elevore must be applied at least 14 days before planting corn, sorghum, or soybean and at least 30 days before planting cotton. Products - CommoditAg Herbicides; Insecticides; Plant Growth Regulators; Plant Nutrition & Health. Plant Nutrition & Health; Biostimulants; ... Search results for elevore/ returned 0 results. Success: has been saved for later! ... Please read and follow all requirements from the manufacturer product label. Please provide your zip code In order to provide you with ... Explorer - Herbicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Product Details Explorer Herbicide For residual control of broadleaf weeds, Explorer ® can be applied as either a systemic pre-emergence or post-emergence herbicide. Prior to planting, it can also be used in combination with a burndown herbicide to provide added burndown and residual weed control. Active Ingredients: Mesotrione PDF Enlist Label Update Information determine the best herbicide selections for your fields this year. Start clean: Start clean with a clean seedbed by using tillage, a burndown or both. Burndown options: • ®Elevore. herbicide: soybeans and cotton • LeadOff ® herbicide: cotton • Consider a glyphosate tank-mix • Traditional 2,4-D herbicides can be used for burndown prior

Fusilade DX - Herbicide Product & Label Information - Syngenta US Label Downloads Current EPA - Approved Label Safety Data Sheet Product Benefits Manages annual and perennial grass through systemic activity Selective post-emergence herbicide with excellent crop safety Provides effective weed management in both conventional tillage and no-till plantings Offers an alternative site of action to glyphosate Elevore Herbicide Receives Federal EPA Registration Labeled for use prior to planting soybeans, corn and cotton, Elevore is now available for farmers to use in the 2018 spring burndown season. "Unlike many other burndown herbicides, Elevore elevates a farmer's program by preventing regrowth of emerged weeds," says Jon Doran, portfolio marketing leader, Dow AgroSciences. What's New in Weed Control 2018: Label Updates - Penn State Extension Quelex 20.4WDG (halaxifen [Elevore] + florasulam; groups 4 and 2; DowDuPont) is a premix and is currently labeled in wheat, barley, and triticale for control of many common broadleaf weeds. It can be tank-mixed with other herbicides to improve the weed spectrum or mixed with PowerFlex or others for grass control. Luxxur Herbicide | Crop Science US - Bayer Herbicides. Alion. Labels / MSDS; Registered Crops; Key Pests; Use & Mixing; One Less Worry for Almond Trees; FAQ; Resources; Media Gallery; Ask Bayer; Autumn Super. Labels / MSDS; ... Luxxur™ herbicide has the power to help protect your wheat fields from yield robbing grass and perennial weeds. Classified as a Group 2 herbicide, it's ...

Elevore® Soybean Herbicide — Tank-Mix Information - Corteva Tank-Mix Information: Elevore ® Herbicide All pesticide products can be tank-mixed with Elevore ® Herbicide, except those containing the active ingredient (s) listed below. Read carefully and follow all applicable use directions, precautions, and limitations on the respective product labels. Cobra® Herbicide | Valent Cobra controls over 54 problem weeds faster than other herbicides, with no concerns to rotated crops. It's also shown to suppress white mold. Strike weeds dead with the powerful control of Cobra. Product Benefits Fast Effective Weed Control No Carryover Concerns For Weed Control, Use 12 fl oz/A Rate PDF TO OPEN Pre-Pare - CDMS Add the appropriate rate of PRE-PARE HERBICIDEdirectly to the spray tank. 3. Add glyphosate or other herbicides. 4. Add the surfactant (if necessary). 5. Add micronutrients (if necessary). 6. Fill the spray tank to the required level. 7. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application of PRE-PARE HERBICIDE. SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT Home - Label Database - CDMS specimen label, nva 2021-04-322-0130 24 (c) registration, sd-150005 nva 2019-04-322-0089 resistance management supplemental label, nva 2017-04-322-0064 for aerial applications by helicopter for broadleaf weed control (not in ca) supplemental label, nva 2020-04-322-0107 for harvest aid/desiccation in chia (not in ca) sds, 2022/06/07 sds, …

GrazonNext® HL specialty - Before using a herbicide, always consult the label for the intended use of a herbicide product. Rezilon TM (Indaziflam) is a pre-emergence (should be applied well before expected weed germination) herbicide that can be applied in the fall or early spring to bahiagrass or bermudagrass hay fields to control some annual broadleaf weeds and grasses.

Elevore Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience Elevore must be applied with a methylated seed oil (MSO) adjuvant or Crop Oil Concentrate (COC) at 0.5 to 1.0% v/v. Application Timing When to apply • 5 or more days before planting field corn • 7 or more days before planting soybeans • Apply to actively growing broadleaf weeds at the 1- to 8-leaf stage, unless otherwise specified. Rainfast 1 hour

Soybean Herbicides Portfolio | Corteva Agriscience™ Elevore ® herbicide uses a systemic formulation for more thorough burndown control of weeds, including marestail up to 8 inches tall, henbit, and other ALS- and glyphosate-resistant weeds. And with a low use rate of only 1 ounce per acre, Elevore is an excellent fit in reduced- and no-till production systems. ... Always read and follow label ...

Clarity® Herbicide - BASF Herbicides Clarity ® Herbicide Clarity herbicide provides economical control of tough broadleaves with early application and residual control. Not only does it control difficult, resistant weeds, but also more than 190 perennial and biannual broadleaf weeds. Labels & sds Document Downloads Connect with your local rep

Herbicides If another herbicide is tank mixed with Elevore to increase the broadleaf or grass weed spectrum, select adjuvants based on the adjuvant limitations of the companion herbicide. Only weeds emerged at the time of treatment will be controlled. ... See label for GPA instructions for other nozzles and for specific state instructions. When tank ...

PDF Specimen Label - Amazon Web Services Elevore may be used as a pre-plant burndown in the spring, summer or fall when the majority of weeds have emerged and are actively growing 5 Specimen Label Revised 04-15-21 Crop Specific Information

ALLY® XP HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Labels Crops Registered States Product Overview Ally XP herbicide delivers postemergence control of more than 30 key broadleaf weeds in cereal crops and fallow. It can be mixed with other herbicides to enhance control of broadleaf weeds. For best results, apply Ally XP herbicide to young, actively growing weeds.

Elevore Herbicide Receives Federal EPA Registration - AgFax Labeled for use prior to planting soybeans, corn and cotton, Elevore is now available for farmers to use in the 2018 spring burndown season. "Unlike many other burndown herbicides, Elevore elevates a farmer's program by preventing regrowth of emerged weeds," says Jon Doran, portfolio marketing leader, Dow AgroSciences.

PDF Elevore - Corteva Elevore™ Herbicide is a selective herbicide for pre-plant burndown control of annual broadleaved weeds in field corn and soybean. Any tillage operation after the burndown application and prior to planting could result in crop injury. Elevore Herbicide is mixed with water and applied as a uniform broadcast spray by ground application

Classic | AMVAC Download Label View all labels Classic Herbicide Classic® Herbicide delivers postemergence weed control in a glyphosate-tolerant soybean program. It's also an excellent tank-mix partner with other postemergence soybean products to expand spectrum of weed control. Applications

PDF NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: X Registration Reregistration Everest® 3.0 Herbicide Name and Address of Registrant (include ZIP Code): Arysta LifeScience 15401 Weston, Parkway, Suite 150 Cary, NC 27513 Note: Changes in labeling differing in substance from that accepted in connection with this registration must be submitted to and accepted by the Registration Division prior to use of the label in commerce.

Elevore® Soybean Herbicide | Corteva Agriscience™ Elevore ® herbicide, powered by Arylex ™ active, elevates a farmer's burndown program by providing thorough control of labeled broadleaf weeds without regrowth. Elevore is tank-mix-compatible with commonly used burndown and residual partners to control many ALS- and glyphosate-resistant species, plus marestail up to 8 inches tall.

PDF Safety Data Sheet Engenia Herbicide Engenia Herbicide Revision date : 2020/12/22 Page: 1/12 Version: 7.0 (30671382/SDS_CPA_US/EN) 1. Identification Product identifier used on the label Engenia Herbicide Recommended use of the chemical and restriction on use Recommended use*: crop protection product, herbicide

Elevore | Corteva Agriscience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Tank Mixes of Elevore plus LeadOff or Canopy EX or Afforia Herbicides for Preplant Burndown Weed Control (TX) Tank Mixes of Elevore Plus 2,4-D for Control of Cutleaf Eveningprimrose (TX) The material and content contained in the Agworld DBX Label Database is for general use information only.

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